Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently made his podcast debut on Nikhil Kamath’s ‘People’ series, offering glimpses into his life, childhood, and professional journey. Towards the end of the discussion, the conversation took a light-hearted turn as the Zerodha co-founder brought up PM Modi’s perceived “Italy connection” and viral memes. Kamath cheekily referenced the “Melodi” memes – coined from the names Modi and Giorgia Meloni, the Italian Prime Minister-which gained traction after their camaraderie at the G7 Summit in Italy last year.
“My favourite food is pizza. And pizza is from Italy. People say you know a lot about Italy,” Kamath remarked with a smile. When asked about the memes, PM Modi dismissed them with a smile, saying, “Vo toh chalta rehta hai. Main usmein apna time kharab nahi karta” (That’s just how things go. I don’t waste my time on that).
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Switching gears, the Prime Minister delved into his personal relationship with food, describing himself as a “non-foodie.” “I am not a foodie at all. Whatever is served to me in any country, I eat happily,” he said, adding that he struggles to order food in restaurants. “It is my misfortune that if you hand me a menu, I can’t choose what to eat. I don’t understand much about it,” he admitted.
PM Modi also shared an anecdote from his early days with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), recalling how the late Arun Jaitley often helped him order food. “I used to ask Arun ji to decide for me. The only condition was that it had to be vegetarian,” he revealed.
The podcast episode gave listeners a more personal side of the Prime Minister.
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